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Created 14-Nov-18

Travelling EastRamat Shlomo En RouteFlat Roof Construction Travelling EastRuthi Brenner - Trip Organizer and Inspirer 180927-1Ruthi Brenner - Trip Organizer and Inspirer 180927-2Passing Through the Front Gate 180927-1Passing Through the Front Gate 180927-2Ezra's Books and Certificates 180927-1Meeting Ezra's Books and Certificates 180927-2Absorbing Ezra's Books and Certificates 180927-3Showing the Flag in Beit Hanina 180927-2IMG_8553The ListenerFarewells 180927IMG_8807IMG_8809IMG_8811IMG_8979--Shomron Sukkot 2018IMG_8973-Shomron Sukkot 2018FatherPhotographer  and Daughter  - Yitzhar  2