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Created 9-Aug-16

Ben Sira Street Jerusalem 1Railway Looking West into Beit Shemesh Railway StationWaiting for the Bus 1Remains of Old Building Derech Hevron 1Cracks Can Produce Food 2Oshri Provides Music in Beit Shemesh 1Rollers - Kibbutz Lamed Hay 2MAAR 1MAAR 2Flag and Flowers 3Sharansky (below red placard)  at Demonstration in Support of Gerim Conversions - Jerusalem 3DSC01228-Cracks_160708DSC01229-Cracks_160708Glass on Table 3Mowing Grass - Ayalaon Park 2Rav Danny Mters on the Mount 2Cat on a Hot Tin SkipKippot 1Lady in ArchwayParked Motorbike 1