Created 4-Jun-24

Israeli Flag Flies Above FieldsOlive Grove - Givot Olam 1Artistic Fuel Tank - Givot Olam 180402-3Goats Coping with Spring HeatSpacious Goat Shed in Sought After LocationGoat Kindergarten 1Goat Kindergarten 2Olive Grove - Givot Olam 3Animals Here Welcome Only FeedersGoat Shed "Hangar" to  Help Fly Through DayArchway from Natural Stones 1Observation Platform 1Visitors on Grass 1Visitors on Grass 2On Top of World 1Artwork Abounds at Givot Olam 1Beit Knesset Givot Olam 3Produce Needs DistributionNot Showy but it Works!Even Free Range Chickens Need Shelter 3